Prints are now available from our extraordinary fashion shoot with whale sharks! ! We are offering exclusive, limited edition prints for each of these images. Once these numbered prints are sold, they will no longer be available for purchase.…

Prints are now available from our extraordinary fashion shoot with whale sharks! ! We are offering exclusive, limited edition prints for each of these images. Once these numbered prints are sold, they will no longer be available for purchase.…
So read the headline on Yahoo’s homepage after the story went viral about our revolutionary fashion shoot with whale sharks!
This November I teamed up with fashion/wildlife photographer …
Dear Richard,
I cannot express the joy and hope that I felt this morning when I read your blog, Top 10 Nations Protecting & Destroying the Oceans.
Just two weeks ago we sat together on …
Warning: This journal contains disturbing imagery and narrative.
In the past 3 years I have traveled to the corners of the planet, to some of the most remote and inaccessible …
As shocking as it may sound and especially given all my shark film work, I had never seen an Oceanic White Tip shark in wild until my trip with Jim Abernethy this past June. Sadly, I had seen many Oceanic …
We returned to Isla Mujeres for our 4th season of sailfish action aboard the Lilly M and Andrea M of Keen M International. Captains Anthony, Rogelio and David did an outstanding job as usual. Despite challenging weather conditions and …
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the recently “discovered” Oslob, Philippines whale shark situation because of the feeding of the sharks that accompanies the tourism.
As with all things in life, there are many strong opinions and diverse …
Warning – The following contains imagery that depicts the hard truth.
My soul was blackened. Where once I had seen light at the end of the tunnel, now there was only darkness engulfing me. How had mankind gone so far …
I just returned from several weeks of filming in the Kingdom of Tonga with my partner John Weller. We are working on a global project, The Ocean Voice Film Series, addressing conservation issues and strategies at all levels of the …
Jim Abernethy and I just wrapped up this years series of whale shark aggregation trips off Isla Mujeres, Mexico. As with they prior two years (see videos), this year was a home run with incredible in-water and topside activity …